Where did patch LV2018SP1 f4 go? -documentation/55001/en/I could download the f4 patch using these URLs (just by taking the f3 patch and rename the url): _development_system/2018 SP1/Patches/f4/LV2018SP1_f4Patch-64.exe _development_system/2018 SP1/Patches/f4/LV2018SP1_f4Patch.exe
LabVIEW 2018 SP1 f4
I get redirected to the nl-nl page anyhow no matter what I do. And on that I can't download any versions prior to the 2019 version no matter if I only select the runtime version or if I'm logged in or not. On the page that I get to when clicking on the LabVIEW icon on the earlier mentioned download portal I get to -nl/support/downloads/software-products/download.labview.html# (without the number at the end) and while it seems I can download anything (the Download button is always enabled), nothing happens except a page refresh when pressing that button.
On the page that I get to when clicking on the LabVIEW icon on the earlier mentioned download portal I get to -nl/support/downloads/software-products/download.labview.html# (without the number at the end) and while it seems I can download anything (the Download button is always enabled), nothing happens except a page refresh when pressing that button. 2ff7e9595c