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How the Iste Galaxy S5 Beats the Competition with Its Features and Performance


Telefonunuz çalınırsa veya onu dışarıda unutursanız, bulunduğu konumu uzaktan takip edebilir ve kilitleyebilirsiniz. Galaxy S5'in hırsızlığa karşı koruma ayarları, Ayarlar > Sistem > Güvenlik altında bulunuyor.

Galaxy S4 gibi 2GB RAM'le gelen Galaxy S5'in işlemcisi "2.5GHz dört çekirdekli" olarak listeleniyor. Bu işlemcinin Snapdragon 800 veya 801 olması muhtemel. Uluslararası modelin nasıl bir işlemciyle geldiği (veya böyle bir modelin olup olmadığı) ise henüz belirsiz.

Iste Galaxy S5

Galaxy S5, kameranın flaşının altında yer alan bir kalp ritmi sensörüne sahip. İşlevden faydalanmak için parmağınızı birkaç saniye bu sensörün üzerine bastırmanız gerekiyor. Pasif bir sistem olmaması, yani her seferinde parmağınızı belirli bir şekilde bastırmanız gerekmesi, onun pratikliğini azaltıyor.

5.1 inçlik ekran boyutuna sahip olan Samsung Galaxy S5, 19201080 çözününürlüğü sunuyor. Samsung'un yeni modeli, Android 4.4 işletim sistemiyle tüketicilerin beğenisini sunulurken, cihazda yer alan 16 megapiksellik kamera ile Ultra HD video çekimi yapılabiliyor.

I ITEiATHE WASHINGTON WASHINGT N HERALD FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 1906 5I W Woodward oodvard Lothrop LothropNewNew York YorkV YorkWASHINGTONParis YorkWASHINGTONParisMahoganyfinish WASHINGTON ASHINGTONP1ns ASHINGTONP1nsMahoganyfinish Paris ParisMahoganyfinishMahoganyfinish Chairs Chairsand Chairsand Chairsandand Rockers to Match MatchEAT liatchNEAT MatchNEATNEAT EAT designs with inlaid inlaidbacks inlaidbacks inlaidbacksbacks saddle seats shaped shapedarms shapedarms shapedarmsarms and very veryhighlypolished veryhighlypolishedI highlypolished highlypolishedSpecial7rc rcrc Icrc rctrci i Grapes and Bananas BananasJos Ba snsuu snsuuJos aDU aDUJOSJos Di Giorgio Co J> 921 Louisiana Avenue Avenuet Avenuea venuet faIN1 IN THE SOCIAL socJIALI WORLD WOR1DBride WORLDBride i iBrideBride to be Entertains in inHonor inHOllorofBetrotlled iiiioiiorofl3etrotliedHonor HOllorofBetrotlled of Betrothed Couple CoupleMISS COllIJleMISS CoupleMISSMISS TERRY TE NOW MRS HALE HALEWedding 1IALEVe flALEWeddingWedding Ve lcllnJ rincc at Home of undo DrJdeM Parents ParentsMI ParentJJIM parnUMIMMMI JJIM Shavnta Shas Debut Set for Deccm Deccmlier Dcccm1Jer Deceisibierbier 1O 1UJUts 1MIs ailts Symons Also to Make MakeFormal JIl1ocFormnl MakeFormalFormal Bow CowOUu Other Social Events EventsMrs Eventlrs EventiMrsMrs lrs Victor Clement entertained at din dinner Itll Itllner diunr ner in her apartment at t the Connecticut Connecticutlast CoanectScutlast Coitneeticutlastlast evening complimentary to Mtos MtosEleanor lU lUEleanor M1EleanorEleanor Sowers and Maj Iaj PaJsoii whose whosemarriage wholemaniap whoeemarilgemarriage will take place December Jt Jtthe ILthethe day after that of Mrs Clement aad aadCapt aaCapt a aCaptCapt Cloman ClomanThe ClomanThet tTheThe marriage marrtl1 e of Mr Jr Eugene Hale Hal jr Jrson Jrsonson of Senator and Mrs rs EuseaeHaJe Eugene Hale of ofMaine orMaine ofMabteMaine to Miss IJss Eunice Terry daughter of ofKev ofRev ofRevRev Roderick Terry D 1 D of New York Yorktook YOIktook Yorktooktook place yesterday yest r ny afternoon at the thehome thehome uiehomehome of the brides parents K7 Madison Madisonavenue Madisonavenue aclblon aclblonavenueavenue In the presence of ofa a small family familyparty familyparty familypartyparty Mr Frederick Hale attended his hisbrother hlBbrother hisbrotherbrother as best man while Miss Terry Terrydispensed Temdbpenaed Terrydipeiiseddispensed with even a maid of honor She Sheentered SIteentered Sheenteredentered the drawing room with her broth brother brother brother er her father performing the marriage marriageceremony marrIa marriageceremony e eceremonyceremony ceremonyYoung ceremonyYoung ceremonyYoungYoung Mrs Irs Hale is I extremely popular popularnot popularnot popularnotnot only In society but in the world of ofcharities ofcharitiet ofcbsxitieecharities being from childhood a minis ministering mln mlnterhlg mnletering tering angel IUtse to the needy of her I fathers fathersformer fathersConner fathersformerformer pariah in Newport where wb r Dr DrTerry DrTerry DrTerryTerry was for many years rector of South SouthChurch SouthChureh SouthChurchChurch ChurchShe ChurehS ChurchSIeShe S Is an expert golf 1f player and ex extremely extremely cxtrensely tremely fond of outdoor sports sportsThe sportsThe sportsTheThe bridegroom who is the second of ofthe ofthe ofthethe three sons of Senator tM and Mrs Hale Halete HaJeto Hetoto marry marr is a graduate of both Yale and andHarvard antiHarvard andHarvardHarvard in the classes of 9S S and IS re respectively re respectlveb respectively spectively a member of the Metropolitan MetropolitanClub MetlOpoIitaaClub MetropolitanClubClub of this city and several smart clubs clubsin elu eluin clubsInin New cw York where he and his bride bridewill lH1dewill bridewillwill make their home homeMr homeir homeMrMr Chandler Hale his eldest brother brothermarried brotMrmarried brothermarriedmarried some years ago A Miss Rachel RachelCameron RachelCameron RachelCameronCameron daughter of former Senator SenatorJJ Donald Cameron of Pennsylvania 1Ie 1Ieand Heandand his wife 1fe have recently returned to toWashington tQVashlngton toWashingtonWashington to live after a long residence residenceInIn Europe Eur where Mr Ir Hale was formerly formerlyattached formerlyattached formerlyattachedattached to the American Embassies Emba In InHome InR InRomeHome R me and Berlin Mr Frederick Hale is isa Sa isaa bachelor and like the bridegroom oom of ofyesterday otyesterday ofyesterdayyesterday makes his home in New York YorkMrs Yorkrs YorkMrsMrs rs Shaw has selected Monday Decem December DeeeMber Decenther ber 10 as the date of the debut of o M4 M4Erraa Miss MissErma U UEnnaErraa Shaw Sba w which to also iso the day daywhIch on onwhich onwhichwhich Miss 188 Symons will make her bier er formal formalbow formalbow formalbowbow in Washington WashingtonThe Wuhl WashingtonThe fton ftonTheThe bitter who Tho has been one of the themost themost themostmost popular guests at the succession SUCaOD of ofpretty ofpretty ofprettypretty luncheons luoc ns now no in order has al already already 1 1ready ready had a preliminary taste of society societyhaving ckty cktyhaving lety letyha1having ha1 been the central figure at a large largetea Iarptea Iar Iarteatea in Buffalo Bu Io last summer where her herparent berparent herparentsparent Maj aJ and a Mrs Thomas W t Sy Symons Symons 53moos mons were for years leader of oflOdety oflOdetyand society societyand societyandand where her own early school days dayswere da78were dayswerewere passed passedMrs pasaedlnI passedLMrs lnI L Z Letter rlvM arrived in Washington Washingtonearly Washingtonearly ubItea ubIteaearlyearly last night n bt from New York She Shewag SItewas Shewagwag accompanied only by her maid maMLord JaahILord maidLordLord Cnrzon who came with Mrs MrsLeiter Inl MrsLoiterLoiter l lter from England dM not continue continuehis conUauehis continuehishis journey to Washington Wuhin but is ex expected expected oxpected pected here in a few days daysMrs day daylrs daysMrsMrs Alexander Fitzhagk Magruder has hasissued leuI8sue4 hasIssuedissued cards for or a tea te t at her home on H Hstreet Hatreri Hatieestreet atreri on December 3 I when w Miss M Isabel IsabelMagmder labelMapwierv1II IsabelMagrnderwIIlMagmder Mapwierv1II will be beprMellted presented to society societyIn 8OdetyIn sodetyInIn view of the several Miss Magruders Magrudersinin the social field thfc t th winter it may ilia be bewell bewell bewellwell to mention thai th the three tbreebelles young youngbelles youngbellesbelles of t that name an belong to different differentfamilies cU dIKer ereOt ereOtramutes Ut Utfamiliesfamilies Miss KI Pauline Magruder who whomade WOOmade whomademade her debut two rears ago at ii iifly he fam family family ily residence on Lafayette square Is the theonly tbeonly theonlyonly daughter of Dr and Mrs ra Lloyd Ma Magruder Ma Magruder Magruder gruder a native of Washington Was lDgton and andthrough andthrough andthroughthrough her mother who was Miss Belle BelleBurns BeUeBurns BelleBurnsBurns strongly identified with the army armycircle armycircle armycirclecircle Miss Uss Nathalie Magruder one of ofthe ofthe ofthethe most attractive of last years buds buds in inalso 18also Isalsoalso an only only daughter her parents being beingMr betn betnMr beingMrMr and Mrs John Magruder of ISM S Sstreet Sstreet Sstreetstreet where a company of this seasons seasonsbuds eaaonsbuds seasonsbudsbuds were entertained at a smart lunch luncheon luncheon luncheon eon a few days ago agoAnother agoAnother agoAnotherAnother and verr important Miss Mi Ma Magruder Magruder Magruder gruder of Washington is Miss 1 Julia Ma Maunder MaI Magruder under I the authoress a member of the theVirginia theYIrginia theVirginiaVirginia family of her name who has re recently rent1y recently cently nt1y returned from abroad but te not notyet notyet notyetyet permanently located in Washington Washingtonwhere Washingtonwhere Vubtnctonwherewhere she will pass at leaSt Iea a part of the thewinter thewinter thewinterwinter winterMiss winter1I88 winterMissMiss 1I88 Frances Andrews A re who 110 recently recentlyopened reeeaU1opened recentlyopenedopened her Washington residence r Air the theseason t theseason e eeasOnseason easOn has gone to Auburn N Y for forvisit f r rvisit a avisitvisit of several weeksAnnouncement has just been received receivedhere reeetvedhere receivedherehere of the marriage in London on oat Oc October 0c 0ctober Octobor tober 19 1 of Miss n8S Enid George of that city cityand cityand cityandand Mr Albert C Wllkie flkle of Chicago the themarriage Utemarriage themarriagemarriage the result of a a romance begun begunaa year ear ago when Mis 118 George came to toAmerica toAmerica toAmericaAmerica ag a a partner v rtnel of Mrs Hobart HobartChatneld HobartCbatfleld HobartChatflcldChatneld Taylor of Chicago and Wash Washington WabIneton WashIngton ington m the latters artistic but unsuc unsuccessful UDSUCceatul unsuccosaful cessful scheme of the rose bindery btn4l ry in inwhich in inwhich Inwhichwhich she tried to interest society Mr MrWilkie MrWilki 1 1VllkleWilkie and his bride are now In Berlin Berlinwhere Berlinwhere Berlinwherewhere the former will act actfia lis s special cor correspondent correspondent eecrespondent respondent for a Chicago newspaper dur during durInl durleg leg the comlns comln winter winterAA welcome cJcome addition to the debutante debutanteranks debutanteranks debutanteranksranks will be Miss IJss Florence Ghee Gbee daucb daucbtel daugh daughter daugtiter ter of Rear Admiral and Mrs Ir Gheen late lateof bteor lateoof o St Paul Minn lInn who propose Joining Joiningthe JoIDingthe joiningthethe larger winter colony colo 7 m in Washington WashingtonThe VrashlngtonTheThe rear admiral who arrived m In Wash Washington Washlngton VasbIngton ington a short time ago has purchased purchasedasas a permanent home the residence ittS ittSNew 1mXe 1l3NewNew Xe Hampshire avenue where Wh e Mrs MrsGheen MrsGheen I1S I1SGbeenGheen will give a tea In their daughters daughtershonor daughtershooor daughtershonorhonor December DecemberAt i iAtAt the marriage December 19 at St StMargarets Stlarrarets StMargaretsMargarets Church of Miss > Beatrice Be trlce Ash Ashmead A Ashineetd h hmetldmead and Lieut Littiefleld the attendants attendantsto atteDd ats atstoto the couple will be Mrs frs E L White of ofEnglewood ofEnglewood ofEugiewoodEnglewood N J and Lieut Henry Cros Crosby CrOllby Crosby by Mustin Mr 11 W Yo P Aahmead will III es escort escort escort cort the bride who is his niece in place placeof placeof placeofof her father who is HI HIGen NIGen J JGeaGen and Mrs rs Sternburg gave their first Arstdinner firstdinner ral raldinnerdinner party of the present season on onWednesday onWednes4lay onWednesdayWednesday when the ther entertained in inboner InbOlMr Inbonerboner of o Dr and Mrs Robert R ert S s Wood Woodward Woodward w OOfI OOfIwan1 ward the former the new njesident dent of the theCarMpe theCarnegie jCarnegie Institute InstituteMr InstituteXr InstituteMrMr and Mrs 19 John D Langhorne LA OOrne will willgive wille willgivegive e the first ftr t of several dinner parties In InWedding t tWedding liiWedding iIWedding Silver SilverSTERLING SilverSTERLING SilverC1TERLINGSTERLING STERLING Silverware repre repreO representing representingO senting the most recent recentproductions recentproductions recentproductionsproductions of the foremost de designers designers designers signers Inspection implies no noobligation noobligation noobligationobligation to purchase purchaseGALT purchaseGALT purchaseGALTGALT BROJ BROJEstablished BRO BROEstablished BROEstablishedEstablished Over a Century CenturyJewellers CenturyJswellers CenturyJewellersJewellers Silversmiths Stationers StationersllO7Penna1107 llO7Penna Penna Ave Av= Icldental cld ntal to their daughters marriage to toMr toMrtMr Stanley StAnl Washburn on November 27 27on Zion 27onon Saturday evening enlnr November NOIemb 24 wlion wlionthey W1tH1 W1tH1they witmtheythey will entertain the parents of the thebridegroom thebrld thebridegroombridegroom brld dSenslor ex Sena tor and Mrs Wnh Wnhburn WMbburn Vaihburnburn of Minnesota On Sunday Sunc1a eveningair and Mrs Langhorno will ontertaln ontertalna ontjJrtaln ontjJrtalnaa company of young people at dfntrer dfntrerAirs dtn dIntbrMrs rAirs 11 Mo Moses e left yesterday yest rday for Cuba to tojoin tojoin toJoinjoin her husband Lieut Col CoL F J Moses MosesU IosQS IosQSUU S M C Co who is now on duty at Ha Havmaa HIlYaDa Havansvans vmaaBlfhop vansfll1topYaDaBliltJtGpBlfhop and Mr Mn Earl Cranston have havereturned haveturAecI havereturnedreturned turAecI to their home Jt onie nJ8 In tho Ontario Ontarioafter Ontnrloafter Ontarioafterafter an nbsence of nearly four months monthsOfton the U Pacific Coast a ud d throughout the theOB thet theOnWent WentOn tOn Wednesday Ytc1n y evening evenln in Wilmington WUmingtoncN C Miss Jeannette Peek v AS s united in fitJII i imarriagemarriage to Mr George P James Mr MrJames MrJamn MrJanienJames is well en kncwn In Wnalifagtoni VnhfngtOn befog beingdiitrictdistrict d trlct p passeng 8K nxer r agent of ofUJe the jUlantlc jUlantlcCoast AtlnntieCoast UlnntlcCanstCoast Line Lln for this section sectionThe HCtJoDThe sectionTheThe matron of honor was Mrs Irs J JmeeMOn M MStevenson MStevensonStevenson a sister of the bride brIde and tli tlinia tl tlncs thniadsnia ncs Miss Elliott Emerson and Miss Meta IeUl IM IMGrande IoGrande LaGrandeGrande Mr R R c James acted as best bestman befiman bestnanman for bIB brother and the following followingwere fallowlniwere followingwerewere ushers Messrs C C C F Green 0 A AWiggins AWltnlna AW1gInLj Wiggins C MjpBee tcBM Davis W C Crow CrowW CrowW CrowvW v 1r L Peck and tllJ d T 1 C White all of Wil Wilmicgton WUmiagion 11 11mlcgtonmicgton and Mr F Sprigg Perry Per of ofWashington o oWasldn ofWashingtonWashington Wasldn ed his sister ri to the altar altarThe altarTbe altarTheThe church was beautifully decorated decoratedwith decoratedwith decoratedwithwith flowers and STeen plants and thc thowedding tb tbweddiog thcweddingwedding ceremony took place beneath a abell abell abellbell decorated with flowers under which whichthe whichthe whichthethe grandparents of the bride were mar married m mri marlied lied ri Rev J M Wells officiating officiatingAmong officiatingAmon officiatingAmongAmong ceremony and the reception ption which lot followd lotlowd 01 011ofIIdlowd were the families of both the thebride thebrkIe thebridebride and bridegroom Mr T M tL L Emer Emerson Emeron Emerson son on president of the lh Atlantic Coast Line Lineand Lineami Lineandand other prominent officials of the read readThe rendThe rcadTheThe bride and groom room will make their theiritem theirheme theirhemeitem heme In Washington asbln tAcL tA tnt Wedding eddlnc trip tripMiss tripu tripMissMiss u Freda Lbtdtwtmer L and Mr r Silas Silasttoeenthjil SilasRosenthttoeenthjil Uo e tbal whose engagement ws t an announced anJIOUaeed anflounced flounced earlier r m hi the weak will b be at athome atbome athomehome to their friend friends Sunday evening ee lnl Ifrom S to W at ThIs T street streetTh streetTheITh The sale aie Ie of household articles at the theHouse theHpuse I IHHouse H aae of Mercy 3 J 8 K street north northwest northeat northwest west eat which was heW Wednasday will willcontinue wtlleotIUnue willcontinuecontinue the rest of the week The large largeand JargeaacI largeandand varied assortment of aprons from tho thouseful theusefuluseful useful if not beautiful kitchen varietyI to dainty creations of finest white musMn is a special feature of the sale saleKANES saleKANES saleKANESKANES BODY TAKEN AWAY AWAYCommodore A AWAYCommodore WAY WAYCODltlodoreCommodore Died on Train While En EnHoute EnRoute EnRouteRoute to New York YorkBrother YorkBrother YorkBrotherBrother Removes Remain to Man Manhattan ManJiattnn nn nnJlnttnn hattan for Iniermenf IntermentDecenlcd IntermentDecenlcdSeretl 1nernienfDecensedServed Deceased DeceasedServedServed Under Admiral dmlrnl SlRsfccc SlRsfcccThe SlgJbccThe SlgsbecTheThe body of Commodore Samuel N NKane NKaneKane who died yesterday tertlay morning morningonI on a sleeping car Just before reachI reachlag reach reachIngI lag Washington W W was K taken to New York Yorkat YorkI YorkatI at midnight ht the custody of his brother brotherJohn brotherJ brotherJOhitJohn J n Kane KaM aDd his physician ph laJ1 Dr Henry HenryS HeArSS S Nom NorrteCommodore NorrisCommodoreNomConmIodoreCommodore Kane Ka left X New w York about aboutthree aboutthree aboutthreethree weeks ago au and went to Hot Springs SpringsVa SprlB SprlBVa SpringsVaVa for Ids bi health accompanied by byArthur byArthur byArthurArthur R R Fteher a nnreo nurs U While timre timrean tildtfan tiia tiiaanan unfavorable change took place ht his htecondition bI8condition hisconditioncondition and It was daclded d to return returnNorth returnNorth returnNorthNorth Th The patient rapidly ra ld17 became worse worseand wo woan worseandand died when the train bad reached reachedManassas reacbe4lanu8U reacheddanaasManassas Va Upon arrival in Wash Washington Washtugton Vashtoa ington toa the body was removed to the themorgue the1IIOI1f1le themorguemorgue but later at the Instance of ofRear ofRear ofRearRear Admiral Slgsbee upon whose ship shiptbe sbtpthe shipthethe St Paul Paul Mr Kane had served during duringtbe duringtIM duringthetIM SpanishAmerican war the corpse corpsewas corpeewas corpsewaswas taken to the undertaking establish establishment establillhment establishmeat ment of W R R Spears on F street north northwest northftJt northwest west ftJt and word sent to Mr Kanes rela relatives reIatlves iciatives tives in New York Mr 11 John Kane and andDr aDdDr andDrDr Norris arrived in Washington at S Sp Sp 8pp m and made arrangements for tbe tbeimmediate tbeImlMCltate theImmediateimmediate removal of the body to New NewYork NewYork NewYorkYork Coroner Nevitt gave a certificate certificateof rU eate eateofof death from cirrhosis of the liver and andintestinal aJtCIIntesthtal andIntestinalintestinal hemorrhage hemorrhageCommodore hemorrhageCommodore hemorrhageCommodoreCommodore Kane was sixtyflve years yearsof yearsof yearsofof age and a bachelor He was formerly formerlya formerlyoIunteera volunteer officer In the navy and served servedwith servedwith sorvedwithwith distinction during the Spanish SpanishAmer SpanishAmerlean Amer American mer merlean lean war He had haclbeen been a member of the theNew tbeNew theNewNew York Yacht Club for many mAn years yearsbavins yearsha1tsg ears earshavblfbavins once served as its president Hisresidence has nas always always been oeen located locaiea in In ivew ivewYork New NewYork NewYorkYork He Is survived by two sisters and andtwo a1Mltwo andtwotwo brother The time and place for forthe fortbe forthethe funeral have not been set setARl1Y setARMY j jARMYARMY AND NAVY NAVYArniT NAVYrillY NAVYArsilyArniT rillY OrdersOft GEORGE J HOLUKV OLDK paysiaater from X Yor YorTaut ft ftY r rYwYw Y Taut City to IHK Ibdiagtou R2Um nKeriag Maj Iaj TIM TIMOTIIY TI TIMOTILY I IOTIlYOTIlY D I KELEHBU paaster p y aster vhs w will pm pmwed PIIftd peaaettwed to New crw York Ycdsra City CkyGoMnttt CityContractGoMnttt SVSMK Seeec FRBDERICK H JIIIAS few fewNewport fMBto lionNewportNewport Nw to flat AKmibata AKmibataMr A A1int AecenaiholeelbitMr 1int Ltcut JACOB M COWARD Artfltey Corps CorpsntMB 0DrJIItro CoqeIronntMB Iron MtOkiT school to Sixth C C41 tp1I1 wp By Cant CantArtiflhr CGntArti CoeetArtiaryArtiflhr Fort F OFt XottTAC XottTACOtpC MnreeI 0IIr0e 0IIr0eCapeCape I MtEDBKICK V RUSSBLI awlstaat alilWaJItflOM Wf Wfirw eerZeusZeus irw from PreMk > report t to SBTCBOH Gcdcntl G at atWatbiacioii atWa atWadsintouWatbiacioii WatbiacioiiOpt Wa Wa0I1It WadsintoucaptOpt WALTER D WKBIl MS r aesictaut toMt 1It Mrgeon SIIr Iron IBlIGrt Ironlhet tnmVvttVvtt HBMbooa to It Fort P t Ihiyarf DannlLIeut ilsyardLIeuL IhiyarfUcoCUcoC Cot ROBERT L I 1ULLR1 Kfefctk la lafwjtir lit litfantryfwjtir eoaftinn CIOIt iuttnne ihttrts naUl further ocU cdPInt orders ordersliM n nFlntPInt Lfaot WILLIAM WILLIA It rtHAHAJI TwwtfcOi TwwtfcOilafeBtnr T TIIIfaIlbT TweatitaIbutrylafeBtnr hue detail as captain TvattreevMrtk TvattreevMrtkOomtMnr TwcuteeiwethConpuny tII tIICoIIqIuaYOomtMnr biltapifw lbil l ScaMs te his regiment regimentUBMswtioa rmtU reiaieaLlIetiOIUBMswtioa U of 8 Seotsid oaMd List WILLIAM WILJ1 II WIL WILLIAMS WILLIA1CS S1LLIAIS ILIAMS Artilfctr Corps accepted for die so soof Id IdGf guedofof the oervicc1IIfUXlnyXnvy ity Orders OrdersLieut OrclerlLieat OrderslientLieut Coxaaafer U 1 L S THOMPSON dttacfceil dttacfceilInirie detIdIatIrairte deta detalrayIeInirie JMBM watt wa waun onfeis onfeisLJent eedeeeLientLJent H T liAKKR detodMd BiMUra Ut V Nny NnyYaid Y YYasi 1 1Yud IYaid Le I IBMfID > fae MMrt MMrtBnrii IdasdsBnrii BMfID s K It A 6 KOCH detected Gbder hone IIome wak wakOftlCIA waitCIIden wakMailcalOftlCIA OftlCIAMattwl CIIdenalkalMattwl alkal la IIIItJed ector J R ii GARDNEK detached d Wa WaIaCHe Waladl Va Vataubtaub bone wait it orsnc orsncSnrgeM otn otnSerIeeD osdevaSureeuSnrgeM J 1 M BDGAK to Wabu WabuFMoed Vabull Vabullrat WalnabPaiscirat Aenstant SmgeoH J I P DE BRULBK IttL8ItT He Hetacked de detIIdIecI dotaetitacked Xnry Sa Delt1UMDt De trtaneat to PMtneah PMtneahFasted lMl1te8kIItl ladseekPanciFasted Awfrunt Smrcewi R C II 1 1 DB > E LANCET IANCEYtubed 4t 4ttMbed 5 5tithedtithed P Padcab docah to HMieaek HMieaekIMsad llaueeecl HMieaekPissatIMsad l > aasecl AavHUot A S rson J D MANCUKSTEK MANCUKSTEKt I SCIIKSTEH SCIIKSTEHtaeW 5 5soled >taeW t soled Haacoefe to Naml Sa aeul rei Hwpital Naval llewe lleweP Heute HeeeePhUadelphlallt llt1UIBI PhUadelphla PhUadelphlaPeondP 1UIBI Med AsAUnt Smteu A 6 J GBIGBR detached de1a udNawrt Hospital l Mm 11 Isteaia te Naral StAtlm StAtlmGmm StaZSenGweeeGmm GmmAaAUHt Gal Gweee1teetsMAaAUHt SorgM srneea W J ZALBSKY itetadted Jetadeput Neir NeirAMbUnt Xewtt to 8tri1t11aRl 8tri1t11aRl1Ibtaat SIriughaeeAiditaistAMbUnt 1Ibtaat SWWON r H IL BROOKS te Naval avaI Iris HosVital HDIita1 IrisbiltalVital Mere > l re S Stupeoii tReoii G L k ANGBNY XG detached Naral Xa lal HMptatI HMptatIX llopltalXanI alX NIMI al UOB 1I lions IMtodelplila to Nand anI Stethw StethwGwtm SlaicMt SlaiewGaaGwtm GwtmIafBM G Gl GaaIassateeIafBM l Iassatee tcr B P 10 BOIS Cached Nary ay YarfHoito ncta wait w raden mWnll oidesaLaMr radenPajMMtrPajMMtr ll C S S BAKER detached Nary Yard Yard N Xv XvtGit or orfiL r rfoftfoft fiL to Navy Xu Yaid Boston BostonPajmater BsstoaPuonitorPajmater 1 U O AJIilEN retired to NaTal Dos Roeytalpkai N S r Fork LyM 14oSrasPM lMIed d AssfcUwt Payn P3JID8W 8t r E H TRICOU teStrj Yard Ya Ya1I0KKms Norfolk XorfoikMOEMENTS NorfolktOVEMENTsMOEMENTS OF VESSELSThc followtaK fol = mats matsMenu J 9ts sorematsMenu ts of vtttets 1s have been reported to 1 Is tb 11w 1w Navy acyDepartawM DtpartJReatRRIVEDARRIVED ARRIVEDN ARRIVEDoneb RRIVEDXN oneb Mmber 14Bbhriy at Nerffc LewfsWaa Ten Teawstse Tenusand estse and WasWogtoB W Washls ea at Colon ColonNorcaAar QJlonr OoloiiovonborNorcaAar SAILED SAILEDNoTcmfcer SAILEDX SAILEDNeTeeberNoTcmfcer X 14Gla ItGlacier er from Tompkinsrille for fe B Bee M storn T TaCllma coma from HanzaniUo for HaranaN NMieJB1ter i Eaber JSCbattanoogo 15C attancoga from Cavil for or Chcfoo chereeageBagle age flint rom GoanUoamo to surreyinsr SUrTejiOt dstr dll ri rictelty j jeloIty =ctelty ei l Cape Can CanLawrence 5 5Lawreaoe YLawrence pfeoad rat commission Yard Leftgae L uae IstewL I UId Hull commisslned Tester Testerscouuiday Nary Yard League Island altl aid css1eej sl kt e eonoudscouui torpedo flotilla flotillaRent fie SOHIbRent 1a 1aReutRent your our vacant house by Insert Inserting InscrtIng Inserting ing a small ad in The Herald Heraldunder underHouses For Rent The charge chargeju Is only one onecent onecent onecentcent a worde1 you get SOY ltrWINIt SOYWhat 807 807WhatsWhats What s that tJaatr queried his excellency excellencyOhOh yes Y aa a American joke very verygood verygood ery erysoodgood goodAreAre re you a polygamist Or aa anarch anarchist awanh1st snsrch1st 1st 1sthatWhat hat nonsense eltSQ saW the Ambassa Ambassador Ambsssador e edor dor who seemed > jnet J a little Htt bit irri irritated irritated i itatedtated tatedThe tatedThe tatedTheThe customs officer queries He was in deadly earnest a apoint apoint apointpoint which began to impress PIMII itself upon uponM upoetI uponMM I Nabuco who doubted d ubted very 7 much ifi ifihis it itlata ifhishis first surmise had been correct correctHave correetHave correctHaveHave you ever been in prison m tn an analmehouse anaintahousealmehouse aJ insane asylum 1 or supported HPportedD7 supportedjbycharttyr Ijbycharttyr D7 charity cIIarit7ItnJc I IItngreRage Breaks renkl Forth ForthThen Por11aTbeA ForthThestThen the rage ra e of the Ambassador broke brokeforth DrekerertJa brokelottbforth forthAmAm Am I here ht to be Insulted be shouted shoutedasas he tried to move away Il way from the cus custe ensteensI teens te M oindal who nonchalantly told the thedistinguished theI theL1niuIsboddistinguished L1niuIsbod South American that all allwas aUw allwasI was w a matter of form and then proceed proceeded prveeMed prucendad ed breathlessly to inquire inquireAre inquireAre InquireAreAre you deformed or crippled and nave naveyou haveyou v vyouyou any marks of identification such iIUeIy suelas suelasa a aaa wart on the neck Jtc JtcSpeechless cr crSpeechless r rSpeechlenSpeechless with fury his ftb f ft livid with withrage wtthra withragerage ra and almost on the verge of explod explodIn explodlug j jinglug In stood the Ambassador as the customs customsman CUStomsman customsmanman put the finishing question questionHave UonIivl questionHaveHave you come here under promise promiseoffer promiftolIr promiseofferoffer or solicitation to labor In the United UnitedStates UnitedStatflu LnltedStatesStates StatesM StatfluM 1 Nabuco scornfully looked upon V ft the theoflteer theoftrer theo8eroflteer pushed him to one side 816 and said saidI1 am the Brazilian Ambassador to the tbeUnited lbeUl theUnitedUnited Ul ted States StatesOh Statea StateaoIa StatesohoIa Oh I know thai that broke in the persist persistent ct persistout out t government emment interrogator but Ive got gotto ot ottoto MAt these questions q toaa of everybody arriv arriving an1YIq artfrlug lug Only a short time ago I put pyt them to tothe tothe tothethe British Ambassador and before that thatto thatto thattoto the German Ambassador A and today todayalso toda7sl80 tudsyalsoalso they are beiaa bef asked of the former formerViceroy formerV formerViceroyViceroy V of India Lord lnI Curses Youre no noexception noexcepUoft4 noexceptionexception you youAlike see seeAwkcd seeAskedAsked Alike to t Be Excused ExcusedMost Ex ExeuselMost uet1 uet1uXoMost remarkable quietly quietI nM his ex excellency excellency excellency cellency his anger an having departed departedwonderful departOdrful departedwwonderful w nderful rful in the th extreme Never before beforehave beCOIJu beforehaveJu have ve I Imagined I such things at you ak akf nk611cu askM411cu f uvekus vtkus marvelous but kiauly excuse excuseme px pxDe excusememe with which bleh M Nabuco joined Seers Seereta17 Seerstniy j jtarytary Chermont of the Brazilian Embassy Embassywho Km lanbassywho IIUIIBY IIUIIBYwhowho was awaiting him on the pier PMThe pierThe jThe matter was turned over to Immigra Immigration I Immigration uWlIIItioa tion Inspector lJ tor Marshall and he diplomati diplomatically dlplomatlamy diplomatindIly amy sought ogbt the information through t Mr MrChermont MrCbermoat MrChermontChermont the secretary s of the Brazilian BrazilianEmbassy 13ral1aREmy BrazilianmbsssyEmbassy Mr r Chermont was not quite quitesure quitesure quitesuresure about it It but said Jd he would see the theAmbassador theAmbeaador theAinbessadorAmbassador In fact tact tbe inspector also alsosaw aIM1IIW alsosawsaw the Ambassador and the information informationwas Intonnattonwas Informationwaswas refusedWould onIcI Xot ot DINcn DINcnMI Discuss DiscussMrMr Nabuco was DOt Inclined to discuss discussthe d dt1M discussthethe matter at length He said saidI saidI saidIIII III I answered aa werecl every question which I be believed be beHeved beIlevod lieved would add to the necessary nece ry statisti statistical st stAtistical Ustl Ustlcal cal governmental information IBfor Mltlon but when it itcomes Itcome Itcussescomes to asking questions regarding my mybeliefs myben mybeliefsbeliefs ben and opinions it is different I an annot annot ani aninotnot a visitor lItor to this country in the implied impliedsense Impll Impllsense ImpI1etsensesense of the word wordI wordhrhr I am here as the representative re taUve ol an another anotber anotherother power and as such I am to a cer certain certain certale tain extent the guest of this nation This Thisis Thl8lei ThisIsis the ground I take take and for this reason reasonatone rea reaa10ac reasonaloneatone I refused to answer certain ques questions qoestlOft5 questions tions There te no friction over V r the affair affairand affaJrami affairandand I would like that nothb nothing he said re regarding regarding regarding garding it itAmbassador ItAmbAsador it itAmbassadorAmbassador Nabuco wasxth was wasthe 1M president presidentofof tb t PanAmerican Congress recently recentlyheld recentlyheld recentlyheldheld in Rio Janeiro During the past six sixmonths sixI sixmonthsmonths he has traveled some 27000 miles milesHe milesHe milesHeIHe made a 3000mlle tour of this country countrythen cOUntrythen countrythenthen sailed Bed for Rio via fa Ergiand made madetwo made madeI madetwotwo trips from Rio to Europe > and now nowreturns nowlireturu noweturnslireturu returns by the way W3 of Liverpool LiverpoolThe LlvervoolThe LiverpoolrhoThe congress C ngTCSS was wa a great success he hesaid hesaid hesaidsaid Mr 11 Root made madAgrtlltlmpresslon a great impression impressionInIn I South America He is a t man of de decision dtI tieeflon > Icision and moderation an1 an his speeches speecheswere > g jwere lessons S0 on publto pub law lawDo JawDo lawDoDo the South American eriCttn countries > s still stillthink at ti1j ti1jthink 1l Ithink we are trying to annex them themhe thenihehe was asked askedWe ukeclWe askedVe IWe Ve never had that opinion Brazil Brazilhas Brazilhashas always been favorable to the United UnitedStates tnltedStates UnitedStatesStates StatesAre StatesAre StatesAreAre you ou converted in regard to the the1 > jMonroe Ontoe doctrine doctrineApproves doctrineAIprOsea I IApproeApproves Monroe Doctrine DoctrineThere DoctrIneThere DoctrineThereThere was waS never el any need for conver conversion conY convernba r r810n sion on that subject for as I have said saidwe saidwe saidwewe entertain the lte highest opinion of this thiscountry thiscountry thiscountrycountry As proof of our opinion of the theMonroe theIonroe theMonroeMonroe doctrine I might point out that thatwe thatWe thatwewe lave in Rio the Palace Monroe onroe and andwe andWe andwewe met there thereThe thereThe thereTheThe attitude attitude of America I pointed out outon outon outonon the other side was not one of defiance defiancetoto Europe We e have rendered a a great greatservice greatservice greatsetviceservice to Europe by the establishment establishmentofof a doctrine for tor It Is better for all con concerned concerned concerned cerned that there should be a definite definitestand definitestand definitestandstand than If there was an open compe competition competitlon Itition titionIt titlonIt I IItIt was as pointed polnte out by Mr r Nabuco that thathe thatliehe was landing on the day that Dr Al Alfonso Alfonso Alfonso Ifonso Penna suceeeds Dr Nabuco as asPresident asPresident asPresidentPresident of Brazil He also declared declaredthat declaredthat declaredthatthat the recent PanAmerican Congress Congresshad Congresshad Congresshadhad been of benefit to the trade between betweenthis betweenthis betweenthisthis country and Brazil BrazilDuring BrazilDuring BrazilDuringDuring the early part of the voyage the thethreeyearold thethreey thethreeyearoldthreeyearold threey roJd son of Mr 11 Chermont the thesecretary theseoretary thesecretarysecretary ofsthe or abe be Brazilian Embassy re received received recelvod ceived a fracture of the collarbone by byfalling byfaUlng byfallingfalling from his berth berthPerilously bert berthPerilouslyIPerilously Clone CloneFrom CloscFrMI CloseFreesFrom Pack PacfcJimmyGee PackJimmyGeeJimmyGee Saturdays a great fay fayawt day dayaint day dayaint Iaint it itPetcy ItPetcyBet itPetcyBeteherPetcy PetcyBet PetcyBeteher PetcyBeteherJimmyIt Betcher BetcherJimmy herJimmy JimmyIt it had a narrer escape though thoughi ISunday it i come wldin twentyfour hours of orbeln orbelnSunday beln belnSunday beinSundayTHE SUNKEN BELL BELLj BELLMrj Mr Ir Solliem nncl nudMimis 3Ifow 3lfa Mnrlovre Give Givenn CItariiIg Porformnnce of Play PlayLnst PJnyLut PlayLastLast night at tie BelascD > Theater Theat Mr MrSothern MrSotheorn MrSotbernSothern and Miss Marlowe changed their theirbill thflolrhln theirbillbill presenting pte4 > nUnc the second play in their theirpresent thclrJ theirpresentpresent J aent repertoire Charles Henry Melt Meitaers Metters Meltnorsaers ers The Sunken Bell translated tran Jated by byhim byhim byhimhim from Gerhart O 11art rhart Hauptmanns Per PerVersunkenc DerVersunken r rersunkenVersunkenc ersunken Gtocke This version to the theame theme thesamesame me as used by b Mr tr Sothern In the sea season eaSPh season > son of 1S I which created at the time timewidespread timewttlepread timewitleapreadwidespread Interest It Is I a cause for re regret rent icgmctgret nt that last ngrhts performance rformance was wasthe wasthe wasthethe only one of ot this unique and inspired inspiredmasterpiece InspinodmuterPieee Inspiredmasterpiecemasterpiece Die Sunken Bell takes takestfca takesUte takestheUte spectator into a realm of mysticism mysticismirad mytlUclamMId mysticismmdMId superstitious nperatitlou fancy peopled with withDairies withrahies withfablesDairies sprites evil and good go spirits spiritspixies splrftsxtn spiritspixiespixies xtn oils and nil that fanciful horde hordeWhich hordewbleb hordeWhichWhich the imagination Im slnaUon creates createsHdnrich Ct createsHeinrich tes tesHelnrkhHdnrich the master bell founder as aspires upllCS asplies plies to the creation of such a noble noblework nobl noblworkeuch JiObIworksuchwork workeuch such a great and perfect bell AS ASMK un asshallshall MK n ring rm out the doctrine of independ independence l Independenee depmdoC ence of thought from the heights of life lifeTte utePOWflS lifeThatThat powers of earth jealous of hi his mighty mightyaspirations J11tghtylratlons mightyaspirationsaspirations lratlons wreck them and an clnk Ink the thebell thebe thebellbell be in the depths of the lake Given up upfor upor uporfor or dead amid the rum of Ms lifework lifeworkhehe is rescued and rehabilitated by Rau Rautendeletn Rautendelem Rautetmdeientendeletn a fairy 1Jeln being who opens l his hiseyes bllsea hiseyeseyes ea and causes him to break away from fromconvention fromCl fromteaentIouconvention Cl AnntJea and to sacrifice 8atrl ce home fam faml7 famTl7 11 T honor all for the pursuit of his Iii Ideal Idealstfil Idealm Idealstillstill m the creation of bis b hi master bell But Butyielding But11Wfng ButIlelding11Wfng yielding to the contemplation and enjoy enjoyment enjoymetat enjoymont mont of his dreams of power his cunning cunningleaves cunningMVN cunningieavesleaves MVN him he e falls utterly and overcome overcomeWith oercomWit overcomewithWith Wit with remorse he dies with the sound of ofthe ofthe ofthethe sunken bell tolled by the hand of his hisdead hisdtlid hisdeaddead wife 1f ringing nglng in his ears earsThe eanJThe earsTheThe role of Helnrtch must be regarded regardedby repnIedby regardedbyby the admirers of Mr Ir Sotbern aa worthy worthyof vferth7of ortby ortbytIof a high place pleceiC if not the very highest highestInIn the gallery of characterizaUous em embodied ftII ftIIbOdsed embodied bodied by him He gives an impressive impressiveand ImprealnaM Impressivesadand tragic picture of this symbol I cf C miser mortaHty IIOrtaltty misertafltytaHty struggling ever upward to the sun sunthte suatldJc sunthisthis weak yet determined plaything of ofhis orhis ofidahis own ideate Idea His scholarly reading Tndla of ofAtr of1r ofMrAtr Meltzefe ilelt lef exquisite and stately ateITeraat ateITeraat0Me statelyverse verse at atonce atonceonce places him in the frost rank k of intel intellectual batelectuaJ Intellecttial lectual actors It was as Heinrich that thath thatiM thatbeh iM ftrst laid siege to recogakkMt in serious seriousrotes MM MMroles seriousrolesroles and he followed his success in this Utfedirection Uaidtr thisdirectiondirection dtr tl n by his Hamlet and other great greatcharacterizatlone greatcbnracterinsUonscharacterizatlone characterizatloneMiss cbnracterinsUonsMissMiss Marlowe who last night played playedRamendeleta pla7ec1PautendeJeja playedRgutendeleInRamendeleta here for the tirE time timegave th timegave e egavegave to It a touch more of material en enchantment eft eftclttuatmeat enehstment chantment than might be e expected expect of a abeing anot abeingbeing not of fhe earth It is a difficult and andtrying andtrinS andtryingtrying part and Mis It ha Marlowes Kadowe grace gmeeand graceaDd graceandand classic beauty more e than atoned for forthe f ftile tarthethe lack of that miat of intaagfMUty with withwhich withwltkb withwhichwhich ftautendeleta nvsuppoaed to be en enveloped envel8pecl env veloped velopedMneh vel8peclMlleb v loMeek loMeek cook be written of o the capable capablemanner ca capablemanlier We Wehimanner hi which v bleb ich the company in support supportof IRIPIJOItu supsortofof Mr Sothern and Miss lIU Marlowe ac acquitted acquStted acquitted quitted themselves In their various parts partsMr partsMr partsMrMr Eric as the woodsprite a styrHke styrHkecreature a yrtIke yrtIkeIINture yrPikeereturecreature typifying UUngc things in nature tun and Rowland Bucketone Buckatoneas Bucketonetheas the Ntckelman the spirit of doubt doubtwere doubtwee doubtwerewere among aM the best Mr Buckstones Buckstonesmakeup Buck Buckatonesmakeup toaae toaaeeupmakeup eup was a wonder of the costumers costumersart cotulIMrsart costumersartart The production was wa a magnificent magnificentoneone ae carrying out in every way the ex extraordinary extraonlbtary oxtroordinary traordinary possibilities of tbe play both bothIn bothIn bothhiIn mechanical and spectacular effects effectsThe effectTIle effectsTheThe Incidental musk e composed for The SUnke tHeIr m Bell by b Alms La Lachaume urtI LaebMumechaume rtI unae was a notable feature of the theI UtepOducttoa thelwoductnI production productionTonight pOducttoaTODtcbt lwoductnTonightTonight Mr Sotbern and Miss Marlowe Marlowei Marlowewilti will 111 present In Washington for th tIM first firsti AtIJtttme firsttimei time Souernuuras S great play John the theBaptist tbe1kptJat theBaBaptist BaptistU 1kptJatU Ba tint tintUU S W V COHJLODER COMING COMING3Iaj COMINGJIBIJ COTINGMnj3Iaj Charles Miller of oCClcelnnl oCClcelnnlOhio Cleveland ClevelandOhio ClevelandOhioOhio to Visit In Washington WashingtonDepartment V VnwlifiigonDepartment KhlnJtoJl KhlnJtoJltmentDepartment tment Commander J 1 Waiter WaiterMitchell WalterIlkhen WaIterMitchellMitchell U 1 S S W V received a letter letteryeaterday lettYMter letteryesterday bs Coagrove CoagroveMrs CQ8CrOveofrs CoegroveMisMrs frs McConnell Is shortly to add to her herrepertoire berrepertoire herrepertoirerepertoire a Song ong dedicated to the United UnitedSpanish LakedSpan LnftedSpanishSpan Spanish War ar Veterans and entitled The TtteSonb TheSong TheSongSong tbe Soldier Sana Sa Sang the w WbnIs wds rds of ofwhich o oWbleb ofwhichwhich havq been written by a wellknown wellknowncomrade wellknownComrade wellknowncomradecomrade Th TIM air is to be b arranged a ed by the thesinger thesInpr thesingersinger herself herselfDo MnelfDo hemslfDoDo Yon Give GI Table Board BoardYoull DourYou11 iloartif iloartifYoullYoull reach the th very er cla class Ia f of boarders ooardrsby board boardersby rs rsbyby advertising in The Herald Ht > rald The charge chargeisis only one cent a wordDulin Martin Co CoRich CoRich CoRichRich and andBeautiful andBeautiful andBeautifulBeautiful BeautifulWares BeautifulI BeautifulWaresI Wares for forWedding forII I II WeddingGIFTS Wedding WeddingryI GIFTS GIFTSTry c HOSE articles combining combiningquality combiningQuaJlty combiningqualityI T quality and beauty with withpractical withuu practical value are always alwaysmost aJvSmOllt alwaysmostmost acceptable as WeddingGins Such SuchgJCts gifts are shown here herein herein hereInin almost endless s variety varlet varletHundredsHundreds of desirable pieces at atvery atvery atveryvery moderate prices as well as asthe asthe asthethe richest gUts obtainable are areincluded arcIncluded areIncludedincluded in the following followingDecorated followingDccornterl followingDecoratetiDecorated China ChinaHicli ChinnI Chinahickhick Cat Clan ClanGold GIn GInGold GlassGoldI Gold Decorated Glass GRNMSterling Gla GlaSterllllJr Glassitcr11ntrSterling Silverware SilverwareArt 5Iherwnrcrt SilverwareArtArt rt Pottery PotteryMnntlminie Potter PotterHOJulome PotteryHasitisomeMnntlminie Lamps LampsElectroliers lnnlI lnnlIElectroUcrll LansisElElectroliers ElectroliersJtrnKN ElectroUcrllUrn El ectrollersJirassJtrnKN Urn Novelties XovoItfoKBricnlirnc SOcItlefiDrfcnbrnt NoveltiesIJrlcalrncBricnlirnc Sc ScDulin e eDulin cDulinDulin Martin Co CoIoUerr CoIottr CoI01te17IoUerr rcrcebhi Ohio lihiC GUvi Gia Silw SiJ T TI e On4Sh niBh forces There were no nodifferences nodr nodifferencesdifferences dr RfteB between Gen Shaft Shatter er and my myself m mself styself self at Santiago SantiagoGen SanUagoGen SantiagoGeitGen Miles lUes stated that Gen G n Shafters Shaftersoperations SttErso Saftersoperationsoperations o ratlo In the Cuban campaign proved provedtoto be highly effective and satisfactory satisfactoryHeHe accomplished his mission and that thatwas thatwas thatwaswas all that tlla t could be desired or expected expectedGen expectedGeeGen Miles is here to vfelt bit his daughter daughterMrs dlUJghlerAII daughterMrsMrs Reber wife of Lieut Cot Reber HeberNEWSBOYS ReberNEWSBOYS ReberNEWSBOYSNEWSBOYS TO GET FEAST FEASTMrx FEASTJJrK FEASTMrsMrs Frederick Vanderbilt to member Tliein on Thanksgiving ThnnlixfjivinpfNewport ThnnIKllvfnNtWOrt ThanksgivingNewportNewport R R I Nov So 15 1 RMrs Mrs lrs Frederick FrederickW FrederIckYaII4erbiltW Vanderbilt benefactress s of the news newsboys newsboys newsboys boys and messenger nes enger boys bo s of Newport for formany formany formanymany years has given orders for another anotherspread anothersprelKl anotherspreadspread for them en Thanksgiving Day DayFive Da DaFive DayFireFive hundred boys of the street will willbe wJUbe willbebe given a turkey dinner in Masonic Hall Halland HallaDd Hallandand will aU sllo > o be treated to candy ice icecream IceI IcecreamI cream er am aid plenty of music musicIt mosieIt musicItIt is probable Mrs rs Vanderbilt will como comoto eom eomto cometoto Newport KewWrt to see the picture her dinner dinnerwill dinnerwillwill present resmL She has requested req ste the theKings theKJnJs theKingsKings Daughters Du ht rs of Newport to manage jnanagethethe affair for her herPEESHUTG berJERSHINGGOES herE2SHINGPEESHUTG JERSHINGGOES GOES TO MANILA HA2TCLAIIeut ANILA ANILALIcutIIeut Gen 2IncArth MacArthur I tlr r Will Com Comman commftnet Cornutanelmftnet man I Department of California CaliforniaAA general s ral order was issued Issu from the theWar thEWar theWar > IWar Department yesterday relieving Brig BrigGen BrigGen BrigGeriGen John J Pershing from temporary tempararycommand temporarycommand temporarycommandcommand of the Department DE > prtmE > nt of California Californiaand Californiaan41 Californiaandand directing hint to proceed r to the Phil Philippine PhilIppl PhilIppine ippine e division for assignment to duty by bytne brthe bythethe commanding officer of that division divisionGen divisionGeu IGen Pershing will be given command of ofone orone ofoneone of the departments deZKirtments of the division divisionLieut dhIsionl divisionLleutLieut l ieut Gen G n MacArthur Ua Pacific Pa to his other duties command of the De Department Dejartment Dopartment partment of California= ITRADEMAIUt ADEMAa AT SLOANS SLO NS GALLERIES GALLERIESLTER1407 G Gstreet Street Near U S Treasury TreasuryREOJ4TERE0 TreasuryEGTEREDREOJ4TERE0 REOJ4TERE0RARE LTER ED A Grand rand Auction Event EventThe ihe CARTER SALE SALERARERARE OLD MAHOGANY FURNITURE in all conceiva conceivable conceivable i ihIeble shapes and of all periods SOLID SILVER A QUANTITY QUANTITYWARE QUANTITVOF jOF SHEFFIELD TABLE TARE RARE CHINA an and GLASS GLASSWARE iWARE LOUIS XV AND XVI GILT PARLOR SUITES SUITESSCREENS SUITESSCREENSSCREENS ART OBJECTS HALL CLOCKS MANTEL MANTELSETS MANTELSETS L TEL TELSETS ISETS BRONZES SCIENTIFIC BOOKS RARE PUBLICA PUBLICATIONS PCBLICTIONS PUBLICATIONS TIONS not for sale IN THE SHOPS TODAY STANDARD STANDARDandand POPULAR LITERATURE OIL PAINTINGS EN ENGRAVINGS LXGRAVINGS I IGRAGRAVINGS GRA VINGS WATER V ATER COLORS METAL GOODS CURIOS CURIOScc all more particularly described in the catalogue and a d to be sold soldAT soldAT IAT PUBLIC AUCTION AUCTIONAt AUCTIOAt AUCTIONAtAt the Sloan Galleries 1407 G Street StreetWednesday StreetWednesday StreetWednesdayWednesday Thursday and Friday FridayNovember FridayNovember FridayNovemberNovember 21 22 and 23 1906 1908At 1906At 1906AtAt I I a a m and a11 ON PUBLIC VIEW MONDAY AND TUESDAY TUESDAYNovember TUESDAYNovember TUESDAYNovemberNovember 19 and 20 1906 1906Then 1908 1906When 1908WhenWhen catalogues catal gues can be had hadNote hadNoteThe hadNoteTheNote NoteThe The sale of the John Kimberly Kimberly Mumford collection of ofAsiatic ofAsiatic ofAsiaticAsiatic Floor Coverings will open at our Galleries G lIeries during the week weekof weekof weekofof November 26 26Catalogues 26Catalogues 26CataloguesCatalogues for both events can be had bv by addressingC G SLOAN CO Auctioneers 4uct Qneers 1407 14 I4o G St Str St StuurI IIPIANOS PIANOSTHAT I IiiTHAT THATTALK THATTALKTALK TALKEverlIEvery Piano offered in this thisspocfell this8pecil11 thIsspechulspocfell sale of ours oursunttl until Sat Saturday Satt Saturdayts t urday urdayIs ts an eloquent argument argumentfor argumentforfor itself itselfIf ItselfIe ItselfIfI If you tvjiat w Dt a pfaito ph and want wantit wantIt wantItit far below its value come comehere comehereI here hcr and itttea to the th pianos pianosown plall plashsown SI own vote examine lu appear appearHBCO appearI appearsneeHBCO and not DOte the complete completeguarantee completeguAnuttee completeguaranteeI guarantee which wbiehgoe bieh goes so with Ith it itIn ItIn It ItInIn throe tht > announcements annoutCem hts we weare weareI are a trying tryt g to avoid anything anythingIlike an exaggeration because becausetb beca1Uetbe becausetheI tb the naked truth te strong strongenough ftronsI strongenoughenough eDoufh when 1be describing d rtbing tbe un unusual unI onusual I usual usua bargains being offered in intbis inthis intbfsI this special sale saleThe saleTheI The public has become b ome sur surfeited surI norcited cited ftltfdwlth with bargain announce announcements announceI announcemests I I ments and nd consequently uent1y are areslow AreII areniwII slow to believe beUe what is an announced announ announeed nounced noun ed as such so we would wouldlike wouldlikeI like to use another Knoth r word but butcant btttI butcancant can t think or one better be because beoCAn because I cause CAn e these pianos ianos are in all alltruth alltruth au autruthtruth the best gepulne bargains bargainsthat bctrgalnsI bargainsthatthat have ever r ber 1 shown shownSounds shownUPRGHT hownI hownIIII j UPRIGHT UPRGHTPIANOS I II II II PIANOS ii j ij 88 115I133155 133155Sounds 33 155 155SoundsSounds Like Bargains BargainsDont BargainsDont BargainsDontDont It ItAnd ItADd ItAndAnd when in addition to this thisyou tIdEyou thisyouyou Bad ftndJlem them all good reliable reliablewellknown reliablewellknownwellknown makes mo mo t of ofthem ofthem ofthem Ithem very little used Indeed Indeedand IndeedRnd Indeedandand guaranteed fully we e be believe be believe behere lieve you will ackewedg them themto tftemto tnemtoto be bargains In the proper propersense propelsenae propersensesense senseABOUT senaeABOUT senseABOUTABOUT 20 PIANOS PIANOSIncluding PIANOSIncludfng PIANOSIncludingIncluding such makes as Stein Steinway Stelnwa Steinwayway wa 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