@xela442002 @Kelayzz @James_Barlett @LinusTech @jackeryinc I mainly play far cry, assassins creed and hitman on mine, all of which play amazing! The only game ive had significant issues with was gta v, not sire why but it just doesnt want to load textures properly but thats probably something i can change, might have my settings too high
Assassins Creed Syndicate Update V1 21 14
@xangiexdx @assassinscreed This is the only one I never finished. I played it at launch & just was so plagued with issues that I never played it past sequence 3. I actually bought the AC Unity Xbox One, so it cost me more than the $50 ?
@MarcusK1111 @LattigSeth @assassinscreed For me, I had loads of technical issues when I was playing on ps4 pro that really hurt the experience. That said, much of that was fixed when I got a ps5. Id still say it's weaker than Origins or Odyssey but I really enjoy the game now. 2ff7e9595c